Aug 12Liked by Barry Friedman

Here you are again, bringing us (me!) the perfect thoughts and talking points for the week! Similar (yet not hearty so eloquent), thoughts have been circling my brain lately, age related no doubt! I’m grateful for my beliefs and the community that surrounds me. As someone so perfectly said on this forum recently, “ We’re just walking each other home.”

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I’m not sure I buy half of what Wouk is saying, but it is beautifully said, I agree. And he does concede the possibility he is wrong.

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Your last sentence, "concede the possibility he is wrong," is the key. There is often a serious lack of humility in those who need, and can benefit, from it most. (But I could be wrong. ;)

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Aug 12Liked by Barry Friedman

Great quote ... and one with which I disagree because I am an atheist. Your 18-month series of provocative quotes remind everyone that our minds can be exercised and we can disagree in a civilized way. Thanks for doing that, Barry!

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I appreciate you saying this. And sticking around all these 18 months. And my thoughts exactly -- Wouk, C.S. Lewis, even Hitchens for that matter. You can disagree, but you can't belittle. They're not punks. D'Souza, Peterson are punks. Thanks for this.

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Absolutely correct. Regardless, you listen to me, you smooth-talking son-of-a-bitch; let me lay it on the line for you and your boss, whoever he is! Friedman of the Plains will never get that book deal! I don't care how many dago guinea wop greaseball goombahs come out of the woodwork!

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Answers? Hell, I'm still waiting on the questions.

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It's nice that the superstitious have such talented enablers. I wonder what Wouk would have thought about heathens who refuse to believe in Sauron or Tinkerbell?

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When I was a mere yute of 20 I had an epiphany (shocker!):

"Sincerity can be a subtle form of blindness."

I'm sticking to it after 55 years!

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There is a gentility to such declarations about the inerrancy of faith -- they're still wrong, but they're delivered so damn sweetly and earnestly. It's tough NOT being an asshole when criticizing them.

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Damn, Ba! Now you're delivering pretty sweetly and earnestly! Can you sing tenor too?

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Badly, but for you, Robert, I'll try.

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