Yeah, Margaret wasn't talking about a one-off there; they're everywhere.

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Can I get an "AMEN" to that???

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Bam! Margaret hit that one on the head. In light of the Bible thumping types currently trying to impose their unethical morals on the rest of us, this couldn't be a more timely reminder that many of them ride the religion train only when it suits them. The preponderance of their behavior suggests they have no idea how to practice what they preach. Out of respect for Ms Atwood, I was going to refrain from using coarse language; however, the devil made me do it. FUCK YOU MIKE JOHNSON and all you other sanctimonious God botherers out there.

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Not for nothing, but why did it take you so long to get to the FUCK YOU MIKE JOHNSON?

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I was trying to maintain a sense of propriety??

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Well now, ain't that the truth, especially about true charity? Hypocrites, all.

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Margaret's got that right, but I'd wager that if there ever was a God, it's long gone after watching this shit for millenia. One thing I won't accuse the current Pharisees of is originality.

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I have just returned home from my weekly opportunity to help serve at the Vernon AME Church soup kitchen. How ironic is it that this is the same church nearly destroyed in the Tulsa Race Massacre and yet here they are, continuing to serve their fellow citizens who are in need and lest we forget, go back and read last week’s “ Thursday Oklahoma”. This church gets it right. ❤️

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But as an aside, Margaret is right in more cases than not....

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