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"Barrasso couldn’t have been any more obfuscatory if he'd swung a cat over his head with his right hand and hid his left under the desk."

Wait! What?! How'd he do that? I smell a rat....

And while we're talking about rats - "Democrats encourage early voting and there’s inflation."

JFC. Not a day goes by that I don't say to myself "this has got to stop." In truthi probably scream it most days though I'm not sure if it's just loud in my head or I'm saying/screaming it out loud. Despite current efforts by the House I'm not optimistic anyone will be held to account or that scales will soon fall from the eyes of any Trump voters.

It's bad when Michael Flynn, a former general officer, one time national security advisor, and all around immoral douchebag says the quiet things out loud by pissing on the Establishment Clause and calls for the US to be a "Christian country." If Flynn has no legal or ethical qualms about violating good oaths, he's still protected by the First Amendment, although cutting off his pension and throwing his skinny little ass in jail would be nice. But Barrasso, a standing Senator with obligations to serve and protect his constituents and the welfare of the entire nation, represents the total disconnect between our elected "representatives" and the interests of the citizenry. True, this manifests itself primarily with those "representatives" with an R following their names, but it puts the lie to our entire form of government which ultimately is based on the honor system - that we'll abide by a set of "rules," codified or not.

Trump's single success was to lay bare the fact the Constitution has no teeth, that for 250 years we've been suckers for believing otherwise. Will the GOP gaslighting succeed due to a collective fatigue or is there any hope that we'll claw back some semblance of our national ideals, or at least some system in which there's some degree of trust and collaboration?

Each of your Monday recaps, Barry, lead me to conclude that I shouldn't hold my breath awaiting the latter.

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