Thank you everyone for your well wishes and my brother who is over my shoulder while writing. What a great brother I have, who's really terrific, selfless and I'm so damn lucky. He's making me write this while he holds a rye bagel over my head. Bastard!

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May 16, 2022Liked by Barry Friedman

I'm sorry Susan is having to undergo surgery, it's never a small thing. Wishing her a speedy recover after a noneventful operation. It is Susan, right ?

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Good luck, Samantha on your upcoming surgery. Let us know when you kick your brother's ass at mah jong. He hasn't the stamina for anything more taxing.

Since Scott mentioned it, I also flew into and out of LGA a couple of weeks ago. Of course coming from Rochester, I had to connect though Baltimore ( really you can't get here from anywhere).

My main bitch is you walk though the mind meld thingie and unlike other airports your carry on stuff does not go with you, but on a conveyor that travels to a different dimension. So you have the luxury of waiting in yet another not really a line but a mosh pit of fellow cattle waiting for your pocketbook to get the ok from Douglas Adams.

And lucky me, because I didn't take my tablet thingie out of my pocketbook (recently in other airports you don't have to remove a laptop. The carrier pigeon with that info died waiting in line LGA didn't make it. Bird flu). A TSA waved my bag in the air and shouted, "Who does this belong to?" But all in caps. I raised my hand, said a silent prayer my kilo of meth ( always on sale in the Bronx and Queens) didn't tumble out and was then berated if I had an electronic device. Not counting my travel dildo, I sheepishly replied, "yes". She made me take out the tablet and announced to everybody my stuff had to travel through the ninth dimension one more time.

I just got home on Friday.

Once again, good luck Selena!

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Keeping very good thoughts for Susan's surgery; Ba, keep us posted on how she's doing. <3

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You're a king among men of only for your sensitivity and restraint. No doubt that's why Wanda (or whatever her name is) loves you as much as she does - for the moment.

As an aside, I flew into LaGuardia two weeks ago for the first time in 5 years. Couldn't believe its transformation from hellhole to a very nice airport (to the extent that flying anywhere brings any degree of joy. Last week flew to Los Angeles. Now that is indeed a hellhole, especially getting there in that upscale area /s.

Good luck Susan. I'm sure we'll find the love between the lines if we look closely.

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Glad you're not my brother! Newly diagnosed with diabetes and high blood pressure so my diet is a total minefield right now! ;)

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Best wishes to Susan with her surgery and hope for a speedy recovery. šŸ’•

Barry, It's good of you to be there with Susan and her kids. Remember you're there to support your sister and her kids.

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Whatā€™s that tune? Way down upon the alimentary canal? NORTON!!!

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Much luck to your sister.

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