When they show you who they are, believe them. There is no settled law they will not overturn in order to suit Lex Luthor, I mean Leonard Leo.

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I knew who you meant

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Hackman is not a hack. Never was.

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You didn't get the joke. It's ok. Jeeze.

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Loved the column, Barry, but I have one tiny nitpick. As a champion speller ( among my sadly limited skills), I must note that "predominantly" is misspelled.

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Actually, I have seen it both ways. More importantly, my editor did -- unless he missed it. And then I will dock his pay. Not that he'll be able to tell.

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By all means dock him because (not to be nitpicky although I am but as I have few other major skills I feel compelled to do so) when you’ve seen it the other way, it was (as it often is) misspelled.

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Deeply, depressingly, perfect.

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Thank you and, yeah, it is.

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Next, the Court will rule that the GOP is a faith and thus is protected from hate speech. The rites will include spraying ketchup on the walls and keeping appropriate people in their place.

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"There is nothing in the Constitution," one of the conservative justices will write, "the prevents keeping 'appropriate people' in their place.

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Something wicked this way comes...No, wait! It's already here.

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These people will take away everything if we don't stop them.

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Really excellent, Barry.

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Thanks, pal. It means much coming from you

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I'm thinking of that Marie Antoinette thing those wacky French incorporated into their Olympics opening. One begins to understand how things got that far.

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That's how it starts. An Olympic skit goes off the rails and the next thing you know women want to control their own bodies.

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The idea that Roberts ever has been a “moderate” always has been pure Beltway Pundit Class Bullshit.

He’s like Ted Bundy, who could be very charming, but always harbored and acted with evil intent.

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Somewhere in the (pick one) level of hell, Roger Taney took a sip of what passes for bourbon in the netherworld, exhaled with a discernable satisfaction and smiled the smile of someone who knows he now has a partner in legal atrocities--and a contender for Worst Chief Justice in American History--sitting in his former seat.

Dred Scott v. Trump. Two unpalatable matzah balls bitten off by two now-historical punchlines.

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And somewhere associate justice-in-waiting Aileen Cannon thinks, “Hold my beer.”

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Jesus, Mary and Tapdancing Joseph on a luxury RV junket, that's not funny. I think a session with Life Coach Melissa is in order. ...

For me.

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Talk about yer train of abuses and usurpations, yeesh! Superb job, Barry, of hitting the core injustices of these horrible decisions, and grouping them in both a memorable framework and a moving narrative. You expertly unfolded the ongoing pattern of legislating radical and profound changes from the bench -- kudos!

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Thank you much for this, Mark. Very much appreciated

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Well fuck, when y'all spell it out like THAT, it really hits home just how bad this court is for America in general and specifically, Americans.

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