"And then the guy said, 'They're eating the dogs, the people that came in, they're eating the cats. They're eating the pets of the people that live there, and this is what's happening in our country, and it's a shame.'"
"Wow! So then he dropped out of the race . . . I mean, he had to, right?"
"No, no. The other guy dropped out, though."
"What did he do?"
"He was old, he stuttered, talked about defeating Medicare and then something about golf. He knew he couldn't do the job for another four years, so he dropped out."
"But the guy who claimed people were eating cats and dogs and other pets — Jesus! Did he specify what other pets? — also wasn't up to the job. He actually sounds worse."
"He was."
"Why did the first guy have to go but this one didn’t? Didn’t the guy’s party care its nominee was crazier than a shit house rat?”
“I don’t understand.”
“People back then didn’t, either.”
"...and nobody else cared either, because he helped them sell bread at their circuses. As long as he stayed in the race, people kept on clicking and generating likes, so the media found it worthwhile to normalize him and keep what should have been a biblical rout a tight horse race..."
I sense a sadness Barry. You and I know that Western civilization peaked when Nixon was shown the door. We had a shot. Then, contrary to every living instinct, we believed Reagan when he said the key to prosperity was to cripple the unions and shield those who gave us a hint of what was to come with S&L and leveraged buyouts. The hucksters seized the stage and later enriched themselves while wiping out pension funds, and only now we're getting as an orange haired ringmaster snaps his whip at us and reminds those of us who still think we're lions that we gave up that right long ago. So yeah, sad.